Marriage & Family Law
Family law is an area of law that deals with all aspects of family relations. Family law encompasses: adoption, child custody and visitation, children's rights, child support, marriage and pre-marital agreements, separation agreements, divorce (sometimes called dissolution of marriage), spousal support (alimony), marital property division, elder law matters, general estate planning, cohabitation agreements, and other legal issues pertinent to the family.
Family law courts generally hear cases pertaining to dissolution of marriage, legal separation of the parties, nullity of marriage, child custody, child and spousal support, elder law legal issues, domestic violence petitions, and other family related legal issues.
Each case is different and carries its own set of circumstances which must be taken into consideration by a competent legal counsel. For specific questions about your case, please contact us.
Our office assumes all cases governed by the family law, especially those in which one or both of the parties are foreigners, as the cases of children's custody, marriage verification, and parenthood verification.
- Official marriage - legally translated marriage contracts, assuring rights of both partners, officially stamped by the government authorities and embassies.
- Civil Marriage - assuring rights of both partners.
- Official divorce.
- Inheritance relations.
- Property regulation.